Good friends are a great thing. Or, correction. Good friends with good morals are a great thing.
1 Chorinthians 15:33 Do not be deceived: "Bad company corrupts good morals."
Recently I got to meet three people who are really wonderful. They are all Christians and not only have we had a good conversation about the Bible among other things, we have also had a lot of fun playing games.
But the problem is that they live more than an hour away which means we won't get to see them very often. On Wednesday we got to see them again and we had a cookout. We played games and had a really great time but when it was time to leave, we didn't want to because we wouldn't see them again for what seems like a long time.
These friends are friends with good morals and these friends are worth the wait for a few hours of visiting.
Friendship is a fragile thing. Friends effect your life and who you are. So choose good friends.
As I heard Grandma Duggar say once, "Show me your friends, and I'll show you your future."
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